Tuesday 1 October 2013

My Ideal Job

Hello everyone my name is Jose Mejias and i'm in the eighth semester of my university career, that means that at the end of this year i'm going to graduate from psychology. This information is very important and contingent to the topic of today's blog which is my ideal job, because at the end of this semester i have to choose where i want to do my professional practice, which i hope would get me a little bit closer to my ideal or dream job. 

I have always liked and practiced sports so my dream is to develop myself professionally in this area, in this case as a psychologist. With that in mind i started the social sciences' faculty in Universidad de Chile to become a sports psychologist. But as i began to know more and more about psychology and sports psychology i started to get interested in a more social kind of sports psychology, one that could alowed to use sports from a more social angle. This is because i think sports has many uses that can develop useful characteristics in the people that practices it. 

Because of what i just said my dream job is to be a social sports psychologist in any context where i could use sports to help people to improve their life conditions. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! I like the complement between the psychology and the sports too, hope you work in your ideal job!
